Wednesday, August 29, 2007

On Niqab

I was never a fan of though I use it for some professional purposes, but recently, I was involved in a debate over niqab, or Muslim face veil. the following is a quickly written article I posted about niqab at a group on facebook created by some people calling for a ban on niqab. I may discuss the whole issue here on my blog, but not in the time being because I have had enough with it now.

"Always think in whatever you write or do. This is the message I want to drive home this time, and I hope the moderators of this group will get it this time. While the description of the group bears the provocative motto "No Penguins" followed by a witless outcry to ban niqab for irrelevant reasons, people here continue their oft-repeated phrase that they stand for moderation. The strange thing is that they contradict themselves by calling for moderation while demanding at the same time to ban a religious symbol that continued to exist in Egypt and other parts of the world for long time on the basis of subjective beliefs rather than well founded grounds.
While my two other posts focused on individual freedom and the freedom to a creed with all its manifestation, I will not focus here on that point as it also proved irrelevant to the people supporting a ban on something only because they don't like it, not because it contradicts to a social or religious norm, which should be the reason to think in calling to bring a ban on a certain thing, let alone a religious symbol.
Of all the posts here, no one of those supporting a ban on niqab provided a solid evidence of what they think the reason to take such a stand, except the only apparently reasonable reason put by a lady here who claims that Islam did not say that women should put it on and stating also that those who said it is fard or mandatory had no proof at all. She made her argument that niqab is ordered only for the Prophet's wives (Mothers of the believers as we are ordered to call them) and that it is not applicable to other Muslim women, wrongfully supporting such a claim by a verse which is taken out of the context and certainly not understood correctly. I refer her to these two links:
If for some reasons you can not understand Arabic I promise I will translate the whole pages for you if you asked for.
While some Muslim scholars differed among themselves whether niqab is fard(mandatory) or not, no one ever broke the consensus that it is good and a virtue for women. Still think the need to call for such a ban in a Muslim society?
The reason I discussed the issue from a religious point of view is that those supporting the ban on niqab used it in their argument and I used that very argument to refute them.
To link niqab to extremism and radicalism is as hideous as linking Islam to terrorism which has nothing to do with the truth. I really feel sorry for my whole generation to defend such a Muslim symbol from an attack launched in the main by people counted as Muslims.
Moderation is not what we think is moderation; rather, it is what is established by religious and social norms to be so.
Should I speak to liberal minded, secular, or religious people? I really can't figure out what types of minds do people supporting such a ban and clamoring for moderation have.
Will there be some one who has the courage to admit that it was wrong to call for such a ban? Do you have the courage to admit openly you were wrong? And even if you don't think you are wrong, do you ever read opinions other than those you adhere to?
Read carefully before you post an answer please."

Monday, August 27, 2007

What Islam Is All About ?

I got this email long time ago from a friend of mine, and I think it can serve as a reference for any one interested in Islam. You can get to know the basics of Islam through some of the links listed here.

"This Message is for every inquiring and broad-minded human being. It is for every seeker of the truth who might have once wondered what the religion of Islam is all about? Who is Allah? What is the ultimate goal of man's existence? Or what happens after death? These questions and many others one may come across on certain occasions but brushed them aside for various reasons. Islam is indeed misunderstood and misrepresented in the West. 'This is hardly surprising' ,remarks the Frenchman, Dr. Maurice Bucaille, in the introduction to his book, The Bible, The Qur'an, and Science: 'If we consider the way so many generations in the West were instructed in the religious problems facing humanity and admit the ignorance in which they were kept in about anything related to Islam.'

Hence Islamic ideals remain obscure for the vast majority of non-Muslims. This Message does not attempt to answer all the questions you may have. It will open before you, however, a new dimension of thinking and will help you appreciate the importance of your role as a human being in this universe, and the relationship between you and your Creator, God Almighty Allah. It presents Islam to you concisely, and provides straightforward answers to many questions about Islam and its credentials.

You may start here
especially these Audios (The Purpose of Life - Reasons of Becomming a Muslim )
or go directly to the videos --->
V i d e o s
Note: In each Video you have got the CD Quality Downloadable version of the video
followd by the google video streamable version to watch it online
Bilal Philips
The True Way of Life/Religion of God

In Search of Peace

More Videos by Shikh Bilal Philips

Yusuf Estes
In search of peace 2
(sorry couldn't find google video for this.)

Priests and Preachers Enter Islam

Does Islam Equal Terrorism

Jesus In Islam
Jesus and the message

Building bridges between faiths
(sorry couldn't find google video for this.)

Clearing misconceptions

Common sense of islam

Muhammad A to Z

Women in Islam

Also Don't forget to have a look at YouTubeIslam
and WatchIslam

Brief Illustrated Guide To Understanding Islam
Holy Quran (Translation of the Meanings of The Noble Quran in the English Language)
French, German, Russian, Spanish, Chinese, Greek, Indonesia ( )
Note :
The Qur'an exists only in Arabic. Allah did not reveal its contents in any other language. Therefore no one can give literal translation of the meaning of any Ayah (verse) or Surah (chapter) of the Qur'an into any other language. The same applies, though to a lesser extent, also to the sayings of the man commissioned by Allah to interpret the Qur'an, namely, the Prophet, Muhammad, peace be upon him.

Spread The Word
Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good instruction, and argue with them in a way that is best. Indeed, your Lord is most knowing of who has strayed from His way, and He is most knowing of who is [rightly] guided (Quran 16:125).
There shall be no compulsion in [acceptance of] the religion. The right course has become clear from the wrong. (Quran 1:256)

and Allah Knows The Best

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Say Not Fie Unto Them

Ingratitude towards Parents, a modern day scourge that dismantles the very structure of family bonding, is the cause of many and almost all the troubles in these days, as it decays the core of the society and then the worst is to follow. We all read horrible stories about sons killing their parents almost everyday; matricide and parricide are common terms in news nowadays. And in the lesser form of ingratitude towards parents, though also a sin, we see young people abandoning their parents, in a time when they are in dire need to them. It is happening everywhere but especially in the West and the so called advanced countries. This is a problem that has been tackled thoroughly in Islam.

Allah says" Thy Lord hath decreed, that ye worship none save Him, and (that ye show) kindness to parents. If one of them or both of them to attain old age with thee, say not "Fie" unto them nor repulse them, but speak unto them a gracious word" ( Noble Qur'an 17:23)

It should be an issue of paramount importance that it followed the capital sin in Islam, i.e. to worship other than Allah. The noble verse highlights the value of parents in Islam and the way sons should follow in dealing with their fathers. So, even a small word as fie, offf in the original Arabic text of the Noble Qur'an , must not be said to any of the parents.
It is guidance from Allah to all the human beings, a divine message that every one of any faith must follow. This is one of the reasons Islam is called a religion of high morals.
Not only Muslims must be pious and polite towards their parents, but also to financially support them if they needed and to take care of them using whatever means available to them.
Ingratitude towards parents is one of the sins that the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) warned its doers of their doom both in this life and in the Hereafter.
Some would argue that not all Muslims are good to their parents, which is right, but this has nothing to do with the doctrine, and if people fall short of its application, that is not a blemish to such doctrine, but to the people who fail to abide by it.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Equality In Islam: A Brief Review

One of the greatest values set forth in the Noble Qur'an is human equality. No one is better than any one else, all are created equal, by the word of God. This may sound an old-time cliché but it highlights the foundation on which the early Muslim state was built. Early Muslims set the highest example of emancipation. A black companion of the Prophet Muhammad, Bilal Ben Rabah, was among the closest associates to the Prophet and a brief reading into his biography will show how a religion can bring change and cause people to act in a different way than they used to do before. And it is not applicable to Muslims only, but to all members of the human family, as the Prophet was sent as a mercy for all human kind, not to a certain group of people or for Arabs only as it may be thought by some in the West.

Allah says" O mankind! Lo! We have created you male and female, and have made you nations and tribes that ye may know one another. Lo! the noblest of you, in the sight of Allah, is the best in conduct. Lo! Allah is Knower, Aware." (49:13).

It is this form of addressing, O mankind, to denote that every human being is meant by the rights and obligations to follow. A universal principle for human rights and the core of any modern human rights instrument is enshrined in this verse. The one who is the best in conduct is the noblest in the sight of Allah. An Arab is no better than a non-Arab except in piety. The universality of human rights is bolstered in this verse, revealed almost 1400 years ago, and is perfectly applied in Islam.

Let this verse be our springboard for further reading in the basic of Islam and for a more healthy inter-religion dialogue. May Allah guide us all to straight path.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Why I created Defendacause?

People create blogs everyday, some help others getting to know more about a certain issue, and some are to no avail, and I hope this blog will be ranked among the first type. I have been thinking of having my own blog for many years, as I have been posting articles and opinions in many sites, with my articles dealing with linguistics, Islamophobia , and comments on world events. It is my intention to focus here on such topics in the main, while I will tackle also some other issues that may appear on the horizon.

The world is now shaped by a gigantic media that was never made available before, with  an endless flow of information, in many times disinformation, that may bring certain ethnic groups under pressures by wrongfully sterotyping them or, in the worst example of media manipulation, cause wars and depredation.
It is the duty of the sound minded people all over the world to lead a quest for truth and of insiders, like me, to give a hand in such a noble quest, to bring God's peace on earth.
May Allah guide us all to keep us on the right track.